Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Policy Paper: Social Media and the NTL Digital Repository

This week I am working on the rough draft of my Policy Paper for The Washington Center/STIPDG component of my internship. My paper will assess the current social media use of the National Transportation Library and make recommendations for it can use these applications to target an under-serviced patron group: Researchers who would access NTL's resources more often if there were they were accompanied by more interactive academic guides and bibliographies.   

Primary Thesis: The recent explosion of the internet and other associated computer technology such as digital imaging and virtual tours have provided libraries with new opportunities to serve the public. The NTL Digital Repository (CAMI and FHA) is an under-highlighted digitized resource that is freely accessible on the open web. NTL’s already existing Social Media Platforms should be used to promote and support educational and scholarly research use of holdings.

Possible Social Media Strategies:
·         Short YouTube Videos featuring NTL Librarians and associated experts discussing a “featured” digital repository report.  (Including links to more information/syllabi for teachers interested in using reports in classrooms-Collegiate Level Engineers, etc. )
Themes to focus on for presentation of YouTube Videos
1.      Aesthetic – organized around the “cool” of the reports
2.      Emotive – designed to illicit an emotion in the viewer
3.      Evocative – designed to create an atmosphere
4.      Didactic – constructed to teach about something specific
5.      Entertaining – it’s just for fun
6.      Target Audience
                                                                                I.            General browsers – just searching the web
                                                                             II.            People interested in transportation - want a little more information than a general visitor
                                                                           III.            Researchers (students and teachers) – often looking for specific information (D.O.T. employees, Transportation Librarians, Federal employees)

·         Report of the Day featured on Twitter and Facebook
·         Most Download Reports featured on Twitter and Facebook
·         Most Recent Additions page reconfigured to be more exciting and featured on Twitter and Facebook
Additional Questions to Interrogate:
1.      Can NTL obtain URL Statistics to track social media traffic?
2.      How are other federal libraries (including transportation libraries) using social media to publicize their digital holdings?
3.      How can library reference transaction patterns assist NTL in crafting innovative online multimedia presentations?

Proposed Bibliography for Policy Paper

 American Library Association, “Social Networking”.

Carr, Michelle. “Museums in the Digital Age” presentation at North Carolina Museum Council Annual Conference March 18, 2012. Word Document.

The Martin P. Catherwood Library, School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University , Digital Commons Site

Holloman, Christer . “The social media MBA : your competitive edge in social media strategy development & delivery”. Library of Congress Catalog Holding

Palmer, Kevin. “Using social media in a major library system”

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